On Becoming a Charismatic Leader

On Becoming a Charismatic Leader

Some leaders have a powerful presence, seemingly dripping charisma from every pore. They engage easily with others and give moving persuasive talks even under duress.  We’ve all met people whose personality seems like a force in the room. There are some common characteristics of those individuals.  This article outlines some of the steps one can take to becoming a more charismatic leader.

Be prepared. You can’t be compelling if you’re worried about what you’re going to say next.  Try to be prepared whenever you meet with someone.  When there’s no time to prepare, make a quick assessment of your audience and what will resonate with them.

Be passionate, energetic and enthusiastic.  Charisma has a physical component, so pay attention to your body language. Notice how you stand when you’re feeling comfortable and in control and practice that posture in everyday life.  Work on calming your breathing to appear more relaxed and confident. Smile and make eye contact. Slouching, anxious body language will undermine even the most passionate spoken message.

Be mature.  Charismatic leaders recognize that leadership is not about showmanship, but the application of wisdom built over years of business experience.

Project Confidence.  Embody confidence and others will put more weight on the words you speak.  Enough said.

Practice Humility.  Charisma can coexist with humility. Charismatic leaders know how to listen to the concerns of their employees. They can convince employees of the value of their contributions to their companies’ long-term strategic interests. This inspires employee loyalty, which is essential for surviving the rough patches.

Be authentic. Forcing yourself to adopt a style that isn’t natural for you is only going to undermine your credibility.  Dispose of rote, generic responses too.

Have substance.  Charisma without substance is usually a recipe for failure. Flash works for a while, but eventually people want something substantive. The words of a charismatic leader must match his actions.

Practice. It might sound odd to “practice” being charismatic, but it’s absolutely possible to increase your appeal and influence through repetition. The “muscle memory” of effective interpersonal communication is as real as that of physical activity.

Charismatic leaders are passionate visionaries who inspire others and can have remarkable influence among colleagues and clients.  This article outlined a few common characteristics that exist among them. With intentional practice, you can be seen as a charismatic leader, too.  Good luck!

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